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Day Seven:  One week in, been a rocky start.  Hoping and praying week two will be easier to be committed.

  • Thou Shalt Not Whine

  • Philippians 2:14 Do all things without complaining and disputing.

  • What can I thank God for today:

I can thank God for so much. I do thank God for so much.  Every day I start the day with praise and thanks for the wonderful things He has given me. I’ve been working very hard on my thankfulness.  To be fair I do over my fair share of complaining. But every time I go on a complaining rant, I end it with “but I’m okay” because I am.  No matter what wrong is going on, how tired I am, or anything else I might be complaining about I know that I’m a very BLESSED woman.  I have so many thing to be thankful for.  But because I am human and a big fat failing human at that.  I am going to type of the tips that the devotion gave : Give something away, narrow your goals, change your vocabulary from “I need” to “I want,” choose to be thankful for what you already have.

I think that these are really good tips.  I am not so good at giving away something I belong.  I should work on that.  I really like those tips.  What do you think of them?

Dear God:
Please forgive me of my complaining and of my whining.  I know that I’ve done both way to much.  I’m way to blessed to complain.  I have a wonderful supportive family, a beautiful home to live in.  I have all my needs met, even some of my wants.  I’m always full, I have a bed to sleep in, clothing to wear.  The list goes on and on, both spiritual and physical.  Help me Dear Lord to be more thankful on a daily basis.
In Your name I pray:
